Autism in adults
Autism assessments for adults
There are many reasons why you may want an assessment for autism. A diagnosis can be helpful to understand your differences and any challenges you face because of them. We know the route to assessment can be confusing and overwhelming, but we are changing that. Our team is friendly, knowledgeable and qualified to deliver high quality assessments.
We currently offer assessments through both the NHS Right to Choose and privately-funded route. If you are not sure yet whether you want a full assessment you can come to us for a screening appointment in the first instance. You may also be thinking you would like an assessment for both autism and ADHD. You can have a Right to Choose appointment for autism and a privately funded assessment for ADHD, it is unlikely they will be happen at the same time due to different waiting lists. We also provide privately-funded combined assessments.
How to request an assessment
Whether you would like an NHS Right to Choose assessment or would like an assessment through a privately funded route, you can see how to do this by clicking below.
What to expect from our assessment
The assessment will involve you seeing at least two clinicians and may be online, face-to-face or a combination of both. Click below to find out more about what to expect from our assessments.
About autism
Autism is a lifelong condition, and people with it have differences in the way they socialise, communicate with others and the manner in which they are able to experience the world around them. They learn differently and may have sensory sensitivities or preferences. As a child the person may have played differently. An autistic person may have very specific interests or passions. Having it does not mean that you have an intellectual or learning disability, although it is possible that some people with autism have this as well. An intellectual or learning disability means having challenges with cognitive functions, such as learning, problem-solving and judgement.
Types of autism
You may have heard of autism being referred to as having ‘Asperger’s Syndrome’ or heard people being referred to as ‘high functioning’. You may have also heard autism being rated as either ‘severe’ or ‘mild’. Different labels and severity ratings are not very meaningful because it often depends on the situation the person is in; the impact of a neurodevelopmental condition can vary over time and the impact of a condition is very subjective – what might feel very impactful for one person, may be different to another. Functioning relates to how the person is impacted in the way they manage independence, social interactions and their work.
You may also have heard of some other terms including ‘neurodevelopmental condition’, ‘neurodiversity’, ‘neurodivergent’ and ‘neurotypical’. Neurodiversity describes how all our brains are different. We are all part of neurodiversity. Neurotypical refers to the majority of people, whose brains work in largely similar ways to one another. Neurodevelopmental condition refers to specific patterns of difference in the way someone’s brain develops, such as ADHD, autism, developmental language disorder. Neurodivergence is an ‘umbrella’ term for a range of neurodevelopmental conditions. There is no one list of neurodevelopmental conditions but neurodivergence often includes:

What to expect from our assessment
The assessment will involve you seeing at least two clinicians and may be online, face-to-face or a combination of both. Click below to find out more about what to expect from our assessments.
Combined assessments
You may feel from hearing about autism and ADHD that you have elements of both. We do combined autism and ADHD assessments for adults through the privately funded pathway. Please click below to find out more.
Screening appointments
You may not know at his stage if you should have a full autism assessment; some people find talking to a professional in the first instance can really help with this decision.
Routes to assessment

NHS Right to Choose
We are recognised as an approved provider of autism assessments by NHS England, through the Right to Choose route for both adults and children.

Privately Funded
We assess children and adults for autism and ADHD through the privately funded route. We accept referrals from private insurers.
Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions below. Here, you can get answers and insights from our team of expert clinicians.