Your trusted psychology and neurodevelopmental partner - now launched in Exeter!
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Autism in adults

Autism assessments for adults

There are many reasons why you may want an assessment for autism. A diagnosis can be helpful to understand your differences and any challenges you face because of them. We know the route to assessment can be confusing and overwhelming, but we are changing that. Our team is friendly, knowledgeable and qualified to deliver high quality assessments. 

We currently offer assessments through both the NHS Right to Choose and privately-funded route. If you are not sure yet whether you want a full assessment you can come to us for a screening appointment in the first instance. You may also be thinking you would like an assessment for both autism and ADHD. You can have a Right to Choose appointment for autism and a privately funded assessment for ADHD, it is unlikely they will be happen at the same time due to different waiting lists. We also provide privately-funded combined assessments. 

Neurodiversity umbrella

Routes to assessment

Accreditation logo

NHS Right to Choose

We are recognised as an approved provider of autism assessments by NHS England, through the Right to Choose route for both adults and children.

Accreditation logo

Privately Funded

We assess children and adults for autism and ADHD through the privately funded route. We accept referrals from private insurers.


The current wait time for a Right to Choose adult assessment is 12-26 weeks. The current wait time for a private adult assessment is 6-8 weeks. This is subject to change.

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