Prison Law
Evolve is proud to offer an array of expert witness services to the legal sector, find out more below.
Our expert witness clinicians focus on the psychological presentation of the client, which incorporates all aspects of their functioning, in addition to their risk. As such, we endeavour to ensure that all clients receive a holistic and integrated assessment that identifies all aspects of their needs, so that mental health/ personality/ neuropsychology assessments can be functionally linked to risk issues identified or any needs that the courts need to be aware of. We also consider it important for a client to receive a report that, although highlighting risk issues, is fair, evidence-based and structured. The report should also focus upon protective factors and strengths, in addition to things that the client might need to work upon.
Dr Laura Powling talks through our expert witness services
Evolve Psychology also offers assessments of parents and children in the context of care proceedings.