ADHD in adults
ADHD assessment for adults
There are many reasons why you may want an assessment for ADHD. A diagnosis can be helpful to understand your differences and any challenges you face because of them. We know the route to assessment can be confusing and overwhelming, but we are changing that. Our team is friendly, knowledgeable and qualified to deliver high quality assessments.
We currently only offer ADHD assessments for adults through the privately funded route. If you are not sure yet whether you want a full assessment, you can come to us for a screening appointment in the first instance. You may also be thinking you would like an assessment for both autism and ADHD, we provide privately funded combined assessments.
What to expect from our assessment
The assessment will involve you seeing at least two clinicians, and will be a mix of online and in person appointments. Click here to find out more about what to expect.
Learn moreRoutes to assessment
We currently only provide ADHD assessments for adults through privately funded assessments. We accept referrals from insurance companies. Contact us to find out more about costings and waiting times.
There are three different types of ADHD diagnosis
ADHD combined type- this when a person has significant differences with both their attention and concentration and also high levels of activity and impulsivity that impact their daily lives.
ADHD inattentive subtype- this is when a person is impacted by differences in their attention and concentration. They may be forgetful and have difficulty organising themselves. Whilst they may have raised levels of activity and impulsivity these do not impact them on a daily basis.
ADHD hyperactive subtype- this is when a person is significantly active on a daily basis and has difficulty staying still. As people become older, this physical activity can reduce greatly, however these people are likely to still have a busy brain. The person is likely to be impulsive and do and say things without thinking about it. These impulsive behaviours can be dangerous for both themselves and others. Whilst they may have differences with attention and concentration, these do not impact them on a daily basis.
Here at Evolve we follow the DSM-5 criteria which means, in order to receive a diagnosis, a person needs to meet a certain number of the criterion. The differences need to be causing significant difficulties across settings such as home and in education, or home and their workplace. At Evolve, we spend several hours with you to understand your differences and the impact these have on your daily life.
Screening appointments
You may not yet know if you should have a full ADHD assessment. Some people find talking to a professional in the first instance can help with this decision. Click below to find out more.
Combined autism & ADHD assessments
You may feel from hearing about autism and ADHD that you have elements of both. We do combined autism and ADHD assessments for adults through the privately funded pathway. Please click below to find out more.
Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions below. Here, you can get answers and insights from our team of expert clinicians.