Frequently asked questions: ADHD in children
For more information about ADHD, and our assessment process, please see our frequently asked questions about ADHD in children. If your question is not covered below, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions below. Here, you can get answers and insights from our team of expert clinicians.
The current waiting list for children on the NHS Right to Choose pathway is 12-16 months. For privately funded appointments it is 6-8 weeks.
We have clinics in Harrogate, Huddersfield and Exeter. Please click here to see our clinic locations.
Your child can have an assessment either through the NHS funded Right to Choose route or through private funding arranged by you. We do accept funding from insurance companies. These assessments are both in person and online they cannot be only online.
For the NHS Right to Choose route please go to your GP to explore whether an assessment would be suitable and if so, ask to be referred to Evolve Psychology for a combined autism and ADHD assessment. For a privately funded assessment please contact us for the details of costs and appropriate forms.
It can be difficult to explain what ADHD is to a child, particularly if they are young. We would advise you do discuss with your child why they are coming to us before they start the assessment. In our experience being open with your child helps them manage the assessment. Depending on their age we are also likely to ask them about their view of possibly having ADHD.
We often explain to children that everybody’s brain works differently. Sometimes this can mean that doing tasks such as getting dressed or doing schoolwork can be difficult for them. Use some examples of what they find more difficult to help explain this. Also discuss your child’s strengths with them to acknowledge all the skills they do have. For primary aged children please see this video which you can show your child to help explain the assessment and why they are coming to us.
For older children and young people this video here will show them what to expect from the one to one session: What to expect at an assessment.
Your child’s assessment will include a meeting with a clinician to discuss your child’s history; a one to one assessment with your child and one of our clinicians; and a feedback meeting with the outcome. Your child may also have a Qb Test which will be discussed with you during your assessment. To find out what to expect from a Qb Test, please click here. We tailor your assessment according to your individual needs. If additional assessment is required we will discuss this with you once the assessment has begun.
Please click here to find out more: What to expect at an assessment.
QbTest is an FDA-cleared medical technology that helps evaluate and treat ADHD. The Qb test gives us valuable information about a child’s levels of attention, activity and impulsivity and we use this information alongside the rest of the assessment to make diagnostic decisions. Not all children we assess are offered a Qb test but we will always do this if clinically necessary. To find out more about what to expect from a Qb Test please click here.
Sometimes the outcome for the children who see us is a no diagnosis. Humans are complex and sometimes what the child is experiencing is not due to autism and ADHD but something else. There could be a trauma in their past; a learning disability; or maybe a head injury that make the situation more complex. It may be developmentally this is not the right time to have a diagnosis and your child would benefit from developing further and coming back for an assessment at a later stage. Some children have some challenges with areas relating to ADHD and autism but their overall pattern does not fit the criteria for a diagnosis. When we have our feedback meeting with you, we will signpost you where we can to what else we think it might be. Hopefully this will help you seek the right support.
Once you have had your feedback meeting the report will be with you via email within 6 weeks. If you have come through Right To Choose this will also be sent to your GP unless you have opted out. We do not send reports to schools or other professionals involved unless agreed with you separately. For privately funded assessments the report is only sent to you.
At Evolve we do not offer a medication service. If you are considering medication, please speak to your GP about a possible referral to your local specialist team.
Please wait until you have received your report before requesting an appeal to the outcome of your assessment. If you still feel an appeal is appropriate after reading the report, please contact us to find out more about the process.
Our clinic locations

We would like to pass on our thanks to you team for all the hard work they have put into assessing Katie, covering all bases, being patient with school contact and doing their best to understand Katie and unpick her needs. It has been greatly appreciated. Communication has been great from start to finish and I would fully recommend yourselves to anyone I speak to.
Parent of client
I cannot thank the staff enough for their thorough and person-centred approach to assessment. The communication throughout has been brilliant and I'm very grateful that prompts were provided to the school when seeking clearer understanding of need as this helped develop a bigger picture.
Parent of client
Evolve was INCREDIBLY thorough. We both agreed that we felt that our clinicians were very 'switched on' & actually listened to our concerns as parents.
Parent of client