Combined ADHD & autism assessments
Find out more about our combined ADHD and autism assessments, including what to expect and how to request a combined assessment.
Combined private adult ADHD and autism assessments
You may find you have traits of both autism and ADHD. This is not uncommon, many adults have more than one neurodevelopmental condition. There are also some common traits between autism and ADHD which can make them difficult to differentiate, which is where we can help. Our clinicians are highly skilled at helping with this. We currently do combined autism and ADHD assessments for adults via privately funded assessments. You can have an autism assessment through us on the NHS Right to Choose pathway and a privately funded ADHD assessment, however these are unlikely to be at the same time.
Learn about the assessment process
Kate talks you through the whole assessment process
What to expect from a combined adult ADHD and autism assessment
When having a combined assessment, you will see a clinician in person or online for a developmental history - this will take up to four hours. We do this over two sessions, so it doesn't feel too long.
You will be seen by a different clinician for a one to one assessment. For your ADHD assessment, you may also have a Qb test.
After your assessments our clinical team will meet to decide whether you meet criteria for a diagnosis. You may receive a diagnosis of autism and ADHD, or one of these, or no diagnosis. The outcome will be explained to you at your feedback meeting. Following your feedback session, you will then receive a report summarising your appointments with us and explaining the outcome.
Following this assessment you will receive a report summarising your sessions with us and the outcome. To find out more about the costs and timings of a private, combined adult ADHD and autism assessment - please get in touch, or read through our FAQs for more.
Learn about the Qb Test
Tom talks you through what to expect in your Qb Test
Learn about the one to one assessment
Heather talks you through what to expect in your one to one assessment

How to request an assessment
We currently only provide combined assessments privately. For more information about the associated costings and timings contact us.
If you're seeking to have the assessments separately click here, autism assessment through the NHS-funded route, and ADHD assessment through the privately funded route.
Screening appointments
You may not know yet whether to have a full assessment. You may want a screening appointment first. Our screening appointments are an hour long. During this time, you will meet with a clinician - either in person, or online. Before your appointment, we will have sent you forms to gather some initial information about you. At the appointment, your clinician will ask you to build on what your concerns are, and why you are thinking about an assessment.
They will ask a variety of questions to find out all the information we need to make the decisions regarding next steps. The clinician may be able to tell you at the appointment what assessment would be appropriate, however, on some occasions, they might discuss it further with our clinical team, before making the recommendation.
Following your appointment, you will receive a letter with recommendations within two weeks. Contact us to find out more about pricing for screening appointments.
Frequently asked questions
Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions below. Here, you can get answers and insights from our team of expert clinicians.